Muhammad Shafik Bin Mazlinan

Software Engineer

Contact Info


Nanyang Polytechnic / Game Development Technology / April 2014 - Sept 2018

We studied low level, high performance software engineering through game development, doing practical team projects, graded to industry standards with peer reviews. We managed our projects using Agile and DevOps principles like Scrum, Unit Testing, Version Control with Git and Continuous Integration. We used concepts in Mathematics such as Linear Algebra, Geometry, Differential Equations and Calculus to compute our game world's state. We used algorithms, Task-based Concurrency and Parallel Computing through SSE/AVX and GPGPU with OpenGL Compute shaders for mass data processing of massive game worlds. We deployed our products to multiple platforms like Windows, Linux, Android and The Web, using languages such as C/C++, C#, Java and JavaScript. Scripting languages like Python, Lua and POSIX Shell scripting were used to build and configure our projects and to automate various tasks.

Professional Experience

Trampolene / Mobile Developer / May 2018 - Sept 2019

Trampolene is a non-profit company in the Healthcare industry. I was responsible for the initial planning, design and development of a few of their mobile applications, all of which are made in C# using Unity. In all of them, I was the lead developer and attended all meetings with clients for demonstration, quality assurance and client feedback. One app uses Augmented Reality through Vuforia to provide group storytelling experiences to seniors suffering with Dimentia. After about 6 months, I continued the rest of my work remotely using Zoom and attended meetings in-person.

Singapore Army / Corporal / Nov 2019 - Nov 2021

I mainly process and send classified documents but occasionally, I was consulted on the automation of data processing and other IT related issues.


I've studied computers from as young as 9 and have built up an extensive understanding of their power over the years. Though my experience was mainly in Game Development, the demand for complex, real-time, high performing simulations of massive game worlds have pushed my skills to the absolute limit, forcing me to use cutting-edge software architecture and highly optimised algorithms to match current standards.